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For use as an aid in the prevention and treatment of tetanus in animals. Contains phenol and thimerosal
as preservatives.
Store at 2 to 7 C. Do not freeze. Use entire contents when first opened. Do not vaccinate within 21
days before slaughter.
Administration of Tetanus Antitoxin is recommended for use whenever a non-immunized animal, or one
whose immune status is unknown, suffers a deep penetrating wound that has or may become
contaminated with soil. It provides quick but short-term protection.
Antitoxin may also be administered to animals following castration, docking, and other operations
performed on premises upon which tetanus infection has been a problem.
Vaccination with tetanus toxoid is recommended for healthy domestic animals not infected with
tetanus, to establish an active immunity for prevention against disease.
Consult with a veterinarian for specific vaccination recommendations.
Anaphylactoid reaction may occur following administration of products of this nature. If noted,
administer adrenalin or equivalent.
A condition referred to as serum hepatitis infrequently occurs in horses. The literature associates this
partially with the injection of biologics containing equine serum or tissue. However, efforts to
experimentally reproduce such a condition in horses have not been successful.
In the event of accidental human exposure, consult a physician.
Tetanus antitoxin confers immediate passive immunity lasting about 7 to 14 days. 1500 units
administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly is the recommended dose for prevention.
Large doses of Tetanus Antitoxin may provide beneficial response in animals already infected with
tetanus, but success of treatment is not assured. For treatment, administer 10,000 to 50,000 units to
horses and cattle; 3,000 to 15,000 units to sheep and swine.
Animals that suffer slow healing puncture wounds or deep abrasions should be given a second dose of
antitoxin in 7 days and additionally as considered necessary.

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Weight N/A

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